Republic of Georgia: state prosecutor withdraws from 9/11 witness case

A judge in Tbilisi, Georgia, has taken the unusual step of dismissing a federal prosecutor – caught, apparently, in cahoots with Iran to railroad an Iranian defector who became a witness in the 9/11-Iran lawsuits.

At an appeals court hearing in Tbilisi, Georgia, on February 4, the defendant in the case – former Iranian national Alireza Soleimanepak – stunned the Court by revealing a secret document stamped by the prosecutor’s office that had been prepared especially for the Iranian embassy in Tbilisi.

As he handed the ten-page Persian-language document to the Court, Soleimanepak explained that he had snatched it out of the hands of the deputy chief of mission of the Iranian embassy in Tbilisi, who had come to harass him in prison, pretending to be from the German embassy.

Neither the judge nor the Soleimanepak’s defense attorney could locate the document in the official record of the case. It appeared to be an ex parte communication from the prosecutor directly to the Iranian embassy, which has been desperate to get Soleimanepak extradited to Iran so they can execute him for treason.

Read more the full article here.